发布时间:2016-05-24 浏览次数:

姓    名:谢正磊  
性    别:
职    称:副教授

1、Xie ZL, Chen LL, Wang D, Wu YL, Zhang HZ, Qi SH*. 2016. Lake reclamation driven by government policy in China- a case study of Poyang Lake. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 140(1):57-73. DOI:13. 10.1080/03721426.2016.1144244
2、Xie ZL, Jiang,YH, Zhang HZ, Wang D, Qi SH, Du ZB, Zhang H*. 2016. Assessing heavy metal contamination and ecological risk in Poyang Lake areas, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(7):549.DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5240-7
3. Zhao GS, Liu JY*, Kuang WH, Ouyang ZY, Xie ZL. 2015. Disturbance impacts of land use change on biodiversity conservation priority areas across China: 1990-2010. Journal of Geographical Sciences 25(5):515-529.
4. Sun ZG*, Mou XJ, Tong C, Wang CY, Xie ZL, Song HL, Sun WG, Lv YC. 2015. Spatial variations and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in intertidal zone of the Yellow River estuary, China. Catena. 126:43-52.
5、Xie ZL, Zhang HZ, Zhao XX, Du ZB, Xiang LX, Wang W*. 2015. Assessment of heavy metal contamination and wetland management in a newly created coastal natural reserve, China. Journal of Coastal Research,32(2):374-386. DOI:10.2112/JCOASTERS-D-14-00222.1.
6、Xie ZL, Sun ZG, Zhang H, Zhai J*. 2014.Contamination assessment of arsenic and heavy metals in a typical abandoned estuary wetland - a case study of the Yellow River Delta Natural Reserve. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186:7211-7232.
7、Xie ZL, Ma ZW, Liu JY*. 2014. Conflicts in land use in marine protected areas: the case of the Yellow River Delta, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 30(6):1307-1314
8、Xie ZL, Zhao GS, Sun ZG, Liu JY*. 2014. Comparison of arsenic and heavy metals contamination between existing wetlands and wetlands created by river diversion in the Yellow River Estuary, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 72:1667-1681.
9、Xie ZL, Xu LF, Liu JY, Duan XF, Xu XG*. 2012. Analysis of boundary adjustments and land use policy change- A case study of Tianjin Palaecoast and Wetland National Natural Reserve, China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 56,56-63.
10、Xie ZL, Liu JY*, Ma ZW, Duan XF, Cui YP. 2012.The effect of surrounding land use change upon the wetland landscape pattern of natural reserve of Tianjin, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,19(1):16-24.
11、Xie ZL, Liu JY*, Zhu GR, Xu XG, Shao QQ. 2011.Evaluating habitat change and boundary adjustment of nature reserve in coastal wetland--A case study of Beidagang Nature Reserve of Tianjin, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 27(5):966-972.
12、Xie ZL, Xu XG*, Yan L. 2010. Analyzing qualitative and quantitative changes in coastal wetland associated to the effects of natural and anthropogenic factors, Tianjin, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,86:379-386.
13、Lin ZS*, Xie ZL. 2005. Does habitat restoration cause species extinction? Biological Conservation,123:349-354.
2014.1-2017.12 鄱阳湖湿地恢复成效评估与适应性调控 国家自然科学基金(青年),主持
2012.1-2014.12黄河三角洲湿地变化及碳蓄积研究 国家自然科学基金(地区),主持
2011.1-2012.1 大尺度土地利用变化对全球气候的影响,国家973项目,参与
2006.9-2009.12 滩脊-湿地海岸带对环境变化和人类开发压力的响应与适应研究,国家自然科学基金(重点),参与
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