发布时间:2017-11-25 浏览次数:

廖金宝,男,生于19869月,江西宁都人,特聘研究员,入选第十四批国家青年千人计划。博士毕业于欧洲比利时安特卫普大学,并在德国奥尔登堡大学海洋环境生物化学研究所(ICBM)从事博士后科研工作。以第一作者在国际高影响期刊(如Ecology, Proceedings of the Royal Society BJournal of Animal Ecology等)发表SCI论文十五篇,已在空间食物网,集合种群动力学,景观破碎化,空间干扰生态学等方向上已取得了一系列重要的研究成果,并多次受邀在国际国内重要学术会议上作学术报告。主持或参与了国际国内基金项目7项,如欧盟Erasmus Mundus CONNEC项目、德国DFG基金项目以及国家自然科学基金等,并受邀为多个国际国内专业期刊审稿,如生态学顶级期刊Ecology LettersAmerican NaturalistEcological ModellingJournal of Theoretical BiologyTheoretical Population Biology。已与美国、德国、英国、比利时及日本等国际知名专家建立了长期稳定的科研合作关系。目前已成立了流域生态网络研究所,主要从事河网拓扑结构集合群落动力学以及食物网稳定性研究(Riverine networks and food webs)





3、欧盟Erasmus Mundus CONNEC项目The importance of spatial heterogeneity for plant species persistence and diversity(主持)

4DFG (Germany) - FOR1748 "Networks on Networks"

5Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (Germany) - project Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning across marine and terrestrial ecosystems






1. Jinbao Liao. (2017) A general modelling framework for metapopulation dynamics in size-structured riverine network. Oral presentation in The 12th International Congress of Ecology. International Association for Ecology, Beijing, China. August 20-25, 2017.

2. Jinbao Liao. (2016) An extended patch-dynamic model for food webs in fragmented landscapes. Invited presentation for the 4th Youth Ecological Forum of ‘Hou Xueyu’ (第四期侯学煜青年生态论坛). Beijing, China. December 7, 2016.

4. Jinbao Liao. (2016) Food web persistence in fragmented landscapes. Invited and recommended presentation. The 8th Annual Conference of Chinese Society for Biomathematics, Yangzhou, China. July 17-21, 2016.

5. Jinbao Liao. (2014) Modelling species persistence in fragmented landscapes. Invited Lecture for Master students from University of Amsterdam. Campus Drie Eiken, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium. May 21-22, 2014.

6. Jinbao Liao. (2013) Species persistence in landscapes with spatial variation in habitat quality: A pair approximation model. Oral Presentation in ISEM 2013 conference (International Society for Ecological Modelling). Toulouse, France. October 28-31, 2013.

7. Jinbao Liao. (2013) How species diversity and distribution shape gap patterns in the context of climate extremes: A modeling study. Invited Lecture for “CHINAMUR 2013: Vth Symposium on Science, Technology, and Social Sustainable Development”. Namur, Belgium. October 12, 2013.

8. Jinbao Liao. (2011) Species extinction threshold in the fragmented landscapes. Oral presentation in 2011 Annual Conference for Ecological Society of China. Changsha, China. October 21-25, 2011.


[1] Liao J*, Bearup D, Wang Y, Nijs I, Bonte D, Li Y, Brose U, Wang S, Blasius B. (2017a) Robustness of metacommunities with omnivory to habitat destruction: disentangling patch fragmentation from patch loss. Ecology 98(6), 1631-1639.

[2] Liao J*, Bearup D, Blasius B. (2017b) Food web persistence in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284, 20170350. 

[3] Liao J*, Bearup D, Blasius B. (2017c) Diverse responses of species to landscape fragmentation in a simple food chain. Journal of Animal Ecology 86, 1169-1178.

[4] Liao J, Ying Z, Woolnough DA, Miller AD, Li Z*, Nijs I. (2016) Coexistence of species with different dispersal across landscapes: a critical role of spatial correlation in disturbance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283, 20160537.

[5] Liao J*, Chen J, Ying Z, Hiebeler DE, Nijs I. (2016) An extended patch-dynamic framework for food chains in fragmented landscapes. Scientific Reports 6(6), 33100.

[6] Xu Z, Shen Y, Liao J*. (2018) Patch dynamics of various plant-animal interactions in fragmented landscapes. Ecological Modelling 368, 27-32.

[7] Liao J, Li Z*, Hiebeler DE, El-Bana M, Deckmyn G, Nijs I. (2013a) Modelling plant population size and extinction thresholds from habitat loss and habitat fragmentation: effects of neighbouring competition and dispersal strategy. Ecological Modelling 268, 9-17.

[8] Liao J*, Ying Z, Hiebeler DE, Wang Y, Takada T, Nijs I. (2015a) Species extinction thresholds in the face of spatially correlated periodic disturbance. Scientific Reports 5, 15455.

[9] Liao J, Li Z*, Quests JJ, Nijs I. (2013b) Effects of space partitioning in a plant species diversity model. Ecological Modelling 251, 271-278.

[10] Liao J*, Bogaert J, Nijs I. (2015b) Species interactions determine the spatial mortality patterns emerging in plant communities after extreme events. Scientific Reports 5, 11229.

[11] Liao J, Li Z*, Hiebeler DE, Iwasa Y, Nijs I. (2013c) Species persistence in landscapes with spatial variation in habitat quality: a pair approximation model. Journal of Theoretical Biology 335, 22-30.

[12] Liao J*, De Boeck H, Li Z, Nijs I. (2015c) Gap formation following climatic events in spatially structured plant communities. Scientific Reports 5, 11721.

[13] Lembrechts JJ*, De Boeck H, Liao J, Milbau A, Nijs I. (2018) Effects of species evenness can be derived from species richness-ecosystem functioning relationships. Oikos 127(3), 1-9.

[14] Ying Z, Liao J, Liu Y, Wang S, Lu H, Ma L, Chen D, Li Z*. (2017) Modelling tree-grass coexistence in water-limited ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 360, 387-398.

[15] Ying Z, Liao J, Wang S, Lu H, Liu Y, Ma L, Li Z*. (2014) Species coexistence in a lattice-structured habitat: Effects of species dispersal and interactions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 359, 184-191.




E-mail: jinbaoliao@163.com
